Lee R. Lambert, PMP

A Founder of the Original PMP® Certification (1984)
PMI® Fellow (2009)

PMI® Professional Development Provider of the Year (2007)
PMI® Distinguished Contribution Award (1995)

Project Management Wizard Certification

Let LCG turn you into a Project Management Wizard, capable of working your magic on every project you touch. Simply attend five PDUs for Pennies programs and receive your official PMW Certificate, announcing to all of your coworkers that you have completed the 7 course curriculum that will transform you into a Wizard with supernatural project management skills.

With this credential hanging above your desk, your co-workers will know that you have received extensive training from the best professional development provider in the Project Management world!

So, get registered now for your next PDUs for Pennies (classroom or on-demand workshop) and be the first at your company to earn this prestigious recognition. If you already believe you have the 7 courses needed to qualify, please contact our registrar she can determine your eligibility.

And don't forget to create your Login Account on our website and track your registrations, credits, PDUs and PMW curriculum. Click here to create your login account now...
