Lee R. Lambert, PMP

A Founder of the Original PMP® Certification (1984)
PMI® Fellow (2009)

PMI® Professional Development Provider of the Year (2007)
PMI® Distinguished Contribution Award (1995)

Why Create a Login Account?

Create a login account now and we will track your PDUs for you and keep them listed together in an easy to read format, accessible by you anytime. Then, when it's time to renew your PMP, you have all your courses, and their associated PDUs and Program ID#s, listed in one place! We will also keep track of your provide you with discounts, based on the number of registrations you complete over time. Simply fill out the information to the left to create a login account. Then, login to our website BEFORE registering for your next workshop...we will do all the rest.

Why Create a Login Account?

  • One Click Registration: You will be able to register faster when your registrant information is completed using our autofill feature. Our easy one-click system will make your registration process quick and easy!

  • Personal Attendance Record: You will be able to access your Personal Attendance Record, providing you the title, date, PDUs & PMI Program ID# for all attended courses you have attended with LCG.

  • PDU Tracking: All your registrations will be automatically tracked from the time you create your user account. We will keep track of all registered courses and completed courses and their associated PDUs/program ID numbers together in one place, making PDU submission an easy process for you.

  • Credit: Can't attend a course you've registered for, just let us know ahead of time and we will credit your account for the missed course. You can keep track of your credits in your account and email us when you are ready to cash them in. Credits are always fully transferable and never expire!.

  • Receive Groupie Discounts: This feature will recognized your frequency of registrations, and apply discounts automatically, according to how many classes you have taken with LCG.
    3 classes = $10 discount
    6 classes = $25 discount
    10 classes = $50 discount

Sign up for your Login Account today and make Lee Lambert the "go-to" guy for your Project Management Professional Development needs!
